Monday, September 24, 2007

More details about the strategy for Ron Paul and neighborhood

I am working on creating a clear description of the Community Gathering, an event which just about any person with a strong commitment could initiate. This community gathering brings a diverse group of people together around the common goal of helping make their neighborhood and world a better place to live.

The strategy is this: Ron Paul supporters sponsor a community gathering in every neighborhood in the country. Because the meeting is set up to help everyone achieve their worthwhile personal goals and goals for neighborhood and world betterment, there will be a space for Ron Paul supporters to gather. People will come and benefit from all the networking and support, and they will also be exposed directly or indirectly to the Ron Paul message if they attend the gathering.

I have been working on the idea of focusing on neighborhood betterment for the past three years. I notice a huge trend in individuals, non-profits, churches, businesses and city governments focusing on supporting neighborhoods in their efforts to improve quality of life. There is a strong movement and great infrastructure where many neighborhoods have neighborhood associations.

When I decided to put all my energy towards supporting Ron Paul for president, I started thinking about how my ideas for having Community Gatherings could help that cause. I feel hopeful that a Community Gathering will encourage the participation of a high percentage of the people in the neighborhood, including busy folks like business people; church members; government officials and families, as well as people who are often on the fringes like single mothers, minorities, and welfare folks.

The idea is that if we can create a weekly event that builds momentum because it is so fulfilling, useful, unifying, and even fun, within a few months hundreds of people will be attending these gatherings in every neighborhood in the USA. This would equate to millions over all. And even those who don’t attend will be connected through newsletter, telephone tree, and word of mouth. All will know that the coordinators are Ron Paul supporters, thus giving people a feel for who Ron Paul is. These community gatherings will incorporate the values of liberty for all.

I hope that you will read the description below. I welcome all feedback. Perhaps this could be turned into a wiki so people could add ideas. The following description could be the beginning of a handbook so that anyone could start of Community Gathering. I am going to start a yahoo group: send an email to

I really want to do this full time, and I am not working at any paid jobs right now--so if you would like to donate to me to support me in doing this full time, I would appreciate it.

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